Thursday, August 21, 2008

Don't even say it.

No, there are no pictures of the TWO baby lizards I saw at work today. I'm sure you all know why.

In lieu of anything interesting to say, thought I'd post some LOLs from I Can Has Cheezburger. The first one is one Big Sis made, and I thought it pretty dang funny.

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

funny pictures
moar funny pictures


  1. Thank you! I spend waaay too much time on that website.

  2. Don't understand the first one but the other 2 are most amusing. Now you need to combine a clever saying, cats and fiber.

  3. Jennifer, it's a Star Wars reference, when Obi-Wan uses a Jedi mind trick to keep the storm troopers from detaining himself, Luke, and the two droids outside of Mos Eisley.
