Friday, July 25, 2008


Big Sis got her new camcorder today! I haven't read her blog yet, but I bet she told all about it. She seemed very excited when she e-mailed me earlier.

Thought I'd post several pictures today:

Isn't this adorable? It was an entry in the cake decorating division at the Orange County Fair. Can you believe it only took third place? I really thought it ought to have won. I really don't know what they use for judging criteria, but what can you expect from an event that once gave a first-place knitting ribbon to a woven sweater.

A small garden display at the OC Fair. I really ought to crop this one a bit, I think. Check out the sexy guy in the Utilikilt. Sorry ladies, you can't have him--that's my husband, Ralph :-)

A water buffalo at the OC Fair. I love the look on his face. Very dignified.

I call this shot "I once caught a fish thiiiiiis big." The colors really came out well, I think. Too bad he (she?) is facing away from the camera. Personally I wouldn't stand that close to the edge if I were perched on top of a four-story building. Mind you, the chances of me perching on a four-story building are pretty slim.

Last one for today. A close-up of yellow lantana growing in one of the planters at work. I have an edited version in my flickr account that I really like; I turned the main clump of flowers to black & white while leaving the rest in color, then put a dark matte around it. Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't post much about my camera, because I haven't really used it yet. Great shot of the Turkey Vulture!
