When I got to work today, there were two large turkey buzzards roosting on the corner of the building. When I was leaving work today, there was a crow in the short tree next to my car. He didn't fly away even as I was getting into the car. You will notice that I have not posted a photo of either the buzzards or the crow. Why? Because for the first time in days I did not bring the camera to work.
You will notice, however, that I have a picture of a hooded oriole. I took this after I got home & was able to go in the house & grab the camera. He was roosting in a neighbor's tree. I got three shots: one with his head turned away so he looks headless, one very blurry, and this one here.
Went to the OC County Fair yesterday. It was kind of a last-minute thing. We'd thought vaguely of going, but hadn't really decided until 10:30 in the morning when we just said, "Hey, let's go!" I had a very nice time & will post pictures & comments throughout the week. I think I liked the gardens best. There didn't seem to be as much livestock as in previous years, and the "home crafts" section--which is normally my favorite--was a little sparse. Still, we spent about 5 hours there so we must have been having fun :-) This year's theme was "say cheese" and there was a very large sandsculpture in progress right where we entered the fair. It was of a mouse-infested camera and had pop-up animatronic mice as well as the sand ones. There were also some sand mice & cheese around the camera. Today's pic is one of the "mice on the side" portions of the sculpture.
The people in the background will give you an idea of how big this was.

We had an escaped parakeet that same color on our feeder yesterday. None of those exotics you see all the time. Turkey buzzards are in the area. My theory is that they and the pigeons will survive the end of the world along with the cockroaches.