Sunday, June 1, 2008

sunny Sunday

It's been a very nice morning. Started out a little cloudy & cool, but has warmed up nicely. Spent the early part of the morning reading, knitting, and folding laundry although of course not all at once. Then after breakfast we took the dogs to Dog Beach. Had a bit of trouble at first--there was a beagle that kept coming after Zoe, and she responded so aggressively that we ended up putting her on the leash which of course wasn't any fun for her. However, we moved down to one end of the beach & the beagle's owner took him to the other end, so we were able to let Zoe run around again & all was well. Took lots of photos although most of them are crap.

On the way home we stopped at a park & watched some girls learning how to do the fire-whirling thing like that girl on Survivor. Of course, they were only using balls on ropes, not fire, since it was obviously a beginner class. Could have been pretty exciting otherwise with the number of times they would have set themselves aflame.

Then we went to Portfolio & got coffees. Still have a bit of my blended mocha left; it is soooooo good. Kind of reminds me of how McDonald's chocolate shakes tasted back in the days when they actually had flavor rather than tasting like vanilla the way the do now. Plus I almost have Ralph convinced that we should go have Thai food for lunch. . . I'd rather have George's but as he pointed out Thai is less expensive. And it is closer to the house, and we won't have to pay for parking. Uh oh, he's dozing off, better get him moving. . . .

Anyway, trying not to be on the computer too much today so this boring little bit will probably be it for today.

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