Monday, June 9, 2008

June the 9th

Yay! The new issue of Spin-Off arrived today! I've just barely glanced at it, and already one article has caught my eye. Yes, it's a shawl pattern! And get this--it uses a two-ply yarn, 18-20 wpi. The yarn I'm spinning right now is about 36 wpi, which means when I two-ply it, it will be about 18 wpi. It's a triangular shawl. I prefer a round shawl, but then again triangular is better than rectangular (which to me isn't a proper shawl at all, more of a wide scarf). Not positive I will use that pattern, of course, but it's nice to have the option.

Had a disappointing lunch today. Having eaten most of my packed lunch as breakfast, I ended up going to an Italian place. I specifically requested extra sauce, and told the person who took my order that if the pasta were visible, it wasn't enough sauce. Well I'm sure you can all see what's coming--hardly any sauce at all! I asked for more, and they brought me this little container which couldn't have held more than 1/4 cup of sauce, if that much. The food was tasty, but I definitely would have preferred at least three times as much sauce as what I had.

Saturday Ralph trimmed a bunch of branches off the nectarine tree. I gathered up a lot of the fruit from it, and yesterday I made a nectarine cobbler. You can't really tell in the picture, but the colors are almost identical to the yarn I am spinning. It tastes pretty good (better than it looks in the photo), which is surprising to me because a) I am not that keen on nectarines, b) the nectarines weren't quite ripe and c) I'd never made a cobbler from scratch before. There is still a lot of fruit left from what I picked; I've put it on the kitchen windowsill to ripen. And, of course, the tree is still loaded. My cookbook has instructions on canning & freezing nectarines; just might have to check that out.

Almost forgot--one of the "keepers of the key" to the supply room sent out an e-mail today, asking that whoever took the key from her desk return it "no questions asked." Why am I not surprised? As noted in a previous post, I didn't think keeping the key where anyone could take it was a good way to secure the supply room.