Monday, May 19, 2008

Nothing exciting at all

Not much to write about today. We watched "Sweeney Todd" on pay-per-view last night. It was pretty good, but I'm glad I didn't pay full price to see it in a theater. $3.99 pay-per-view beats $7.50/ticket any day.

Quiet day at work. Actually got off work on time without any last-minute "can you do this for me" calls or e-mails.

Today's picture is a shot I took at Dog Beach yesterday. As you can see, the weather was gorgeous; perfect for a day at the beach. Love how eager these two look, waiting for Mama to throwtheballthrowtheballthrowtheball. Ralph is the guy wearing the hat, seen directly to the left of the yellow lab's nose. Hali is directly to his left, and although you can't see her in this size picture Zoe's back is just barely visible in the original behind Hali.

1 comment:

  1. For those who may read this and aren't aware of it, you can click on the picture to enlarge for viewing. At first glance, I thought R was wearing a 'duster' and thought he was crazy!
