Pretty good day today. Feeling almost 100% back to normal. Had a very productive day at work. Finished listening to "Before Green Gables" on the way home. Wore my new utilikilt. Ralph is thinking about grilling scallops on the BBQ (major delectable yumminess) although we both agree clam chowder sounds good too. And, of course, it's FRIDAY!
Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow. If the weather is nice, I may take the girls to the park. Might do some spinning. Almost certainly will do some knitting. Might just lie on a blanket in the backyard, reading a book & eating Skinny Cows on a semi-regular basis. Definitely take some pictures. Yarn store is a possibility. A whole glorious day with no obligations, all to myself :-)
Got a postcard/advertisement today; the Contemporary Crafts Fair in Santa Monica is coming up; in fact, it's next weekend! Ralph has the time off so maybe we'll go to that. Big Sis and Niece-in-Law might be interested too, come to think of it. Although being a "noodley-wed" NiL may prefer to stay home with The Boy.
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