Saturday, May 31, 2008
Last day of May
Friday, May 30, 2008
Should I be alarmed by this?
Pretty good day today. Feeling almost 100% back to normal. Had a very productive day at work. Finished listening to "Before Green Gables" on the way home. Wore my new utilikilt. Ralph is thinking about grilling scallops on the BBQ (major delectable yumminess) although we both agree clam chowder sounds good too. And, of course, it's FRIDAY!
Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow. If the weather is nice, I may take the girls to the park. Might do some spinning. Almost certainly will do some knitting. Might just lie on a blanket in the backyard, reading a book & eating Skinny Cows on a semi-regular basis. Definitely take some pictures. Yarn store is a possibility. A whole glorious day with no obligations, all to myself :-)
Got a postcard/advertisement today; the Contemporary Crafts Fair in Santa Monica is coming up; in fact, it's next weekend! Ralph has the time off so maybe we'll go to that. Big Sis and Niece-in-Law might be interested too, come to think of it. Although being a "noodley-wed" NiL may prefer to stay home with The Boy.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Light at the end of the tunnel
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Feeling a bit better
Still not what I would call "well" but definitely improved over Monday night/Tuesday morning. Spent at least 30 minutes of every hour sleeping yesterday, and slept pretty well all night too. We won't talk about the time spent not-sleeping other than to mention that I weighed four pounds less this morning than I did on Sunday morning. Of course I realize it's just fluid loss & not fat loss, so I'm sure that once I have an appetite again it will come right back. Did manage to eat some food today: about a cup of tomato soup; the top off a small bananananana nut muffin, three bites of my sammidge, some crackers, and about 4 cherries. That is a lot more than I managed yesterday!
Even went to work today. Not an exciting day there, but I got enough done that I won't be overwhelmed when I go in tomorrow. Patrick told me several times to go home, however since I was already there I stuck it out. Glad I did, too.
Had another weird dream last night. In it, my friend/co-worker Deborah was crying like she was fit to die; mascara running down her face, great sobs, copious tears. I kept asking her what was wrong, but couldn't understand what she was saying because she was crying so hard. Finally managed to figure out that her son, Michael (who is in the Air Force) had filled out one of his VA forms incorrectly and had to do it over. Where that came from I have no idea.
Ralph & I have been invited to go on a fishing trip to Catalina this weekend. Ralph is very excited about it, however I don't want to go. Six to eight hours on a boat watching other people fish, out in the sun, out on the moving moving moving water, bored and seasick, not able to get off the boat until the driver is good & ready to get off the water--not my idea of a good time. (Hmmm. Sounds a lot like going to Big Bear Lake when I was a kid.) So I will find something else to do and Ralph can have fun with his buddy on the boat.
Not much else going on. Hopefully I will have more interesting things about which to write tomorrow. Or the next day, perhaps.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ill today
Monday, May 26, 2008
A very domestic day
Today's pic: sparrow in silhouette :-)
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Middle of the three-day weekend
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Penultimate Saturday of the month
Friday, May 23, 2008
three day weekend, woo hoo!
Got off work early (2:00 pm) although it really feels like I put in a full day. It took about an hour to drive from work to Long Beach, and I went straight to the grocery store. Spent an hour & a half doing the shopping, then unloaded the cart and ran my card through. Not authorized. Hmmm. . . .oh, I see, I spent almost $400 and my debit card has a $300/day limit. No worries. Pull out my credit card. Not authorized. Hmmmmmmm. Can't think of any reason for that card not to be good. Went to the car, pulled out the cell phone & called customer service. The automated program said I missed my $14 payment that was due last week. Funny, thought I had paid that. . . Ended up going to the ATM, pulling out $300 cash and using the other $100 I already had on me to pay for everything. Went online when I got home to check my recent bill paying & realized no, I had paid *Ralph's* credit card payment, but had failed to pay mine. What a maroon! Still, kind of frustrating to have them put a stop on my card for a $14 dollar payment that is only a week late, when that's the first late payment I've had in I can't remember how long.
Anyway, got home, unloaded the THIRTY bags of groceries (plus two items that were too large to fit in the bags), rested a bit, then had the fun of throwing out all the stuff in the fridge that was too old to keep & then putting away all the groceries. PHEW! Finally finished!! Now I can look forward to a (mostly) restful weekend. There is a bit of housework to do, but with Ralph to help it shouldn't be an issue.
Don't know for sure yet if we are going to the Scottish Festival tomorrow. I'd like to go, if it's not too cold & rainy. Then Sunday is the Cookie Lee party with Big Sis. Plus I plan on doing lots of knitting & maybe even some spinning, and a trip to the bookstore of course, even though I haven't finished my current novel. It's really good, too; it's called "The Worst Hard Time" and it's about the Great American Dust Bowl and the events that caused it. Pretty astounding stuff.
Today's picture is another shot I took at Dog Beach. Not my girls, but a pair of some sort of collie-looking dogs. I wish I could have taken a better picture of them; they were really beautiful even with their fur all wet & sandy. They were having such a good time chasing the ball.
Had a weird dream last night. I dreamt I was at a county fair, trying to get the Monkees' autographs. Mike Nesmith admired my socks and wanted me to knit a pair for him too, so I pulled out my tape measure to measure his feet; they were really small--smaller than mine even! For some reason my cat, Mudgie, appeared at about that point; why the cat was at a county fair is beyond me. Eventually the Monkees agreed to give me their autographs, but I had to sign their autograph books too. OH! Almost forgot, the Mamas & the Papas were there, too, but one of the Papas was kinda Ozzy Osbourne-ish and kept yelling & spitting at the audience. Mama Cass had to drag him offstage which is a pretty good trick since she's been dead for several decades.
Brought my knitted sheep hand puppet to work today. I figure that's a safe place to keep it until we've got the moths under control. It would upset me to lose any of my knitted items to moths, but this guy is really cute & was a lot of work so I really don't want it damaged.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
And another short post
Quiet day today. Rained on & off. Went to lunch with Mr. Boss Man; nothing fancy, just sandwiches at Quizno's. Not sure what prompted it. About 15 minutes before my normal lunchtime he just walked up to my desk and said, "Let's go to lunch." We talked about some upcoming process changes, but nothing major, which I have just misspelled about six times :-P (with three of those times being "jamor").
Hey, Ralph's home already! Good thing dinner is almost done.
Yesterday & today I actually took a break at work. Three of the girls at work go for a short walk (about 10 minutes of leisurely stroll) and they invited me to go with them. It's way too slow a walk for any real exercise benefit, but the joking around & conversation is certainly worth it. Even if today's walk was in a light rain.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
short post today
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Making progress (again) on the socks
I've almost finished the re-knit gusset on the first sock. While I dreaded (and procrastinated) frogging it, I am really glad that I did so. It looks much better than it did, plus I don't have the worry of "will it fit??" butting in on my knitting.
Almost forgot! Saw a weird thing yesterday at lunchtime. Now the important thing to remember is that, according to my car's thermometer, it was 99 degrees outside. As I pulled into the parking lot I passed a gardener using a leaf blower. The hood of his grey sweatshirt was pulled up over his head. The hood was the only part you could see; the rest was covered by his blue sweatshirt. That's right--99 degrees and he was wearing TWO sweatshirts. The only explanation I could think of was the leaf blower must put out a lot of heat, and that was the only way to keep his neck & back from getting burned.
Three-day weekend coming up, huzzah! Kinda snuck up on me. Not sure what I'm going to do; I told Big Sis I would go to a Cookie Lee party with her on Sunday, but I had forgotten it was the three-day weekend and Ralph & I had kinda talked about taking a trip for Memorial Day. On the other hand we don't have any set plans, and there are a couple fun things going on this weekend that we might go to on Saturday which leaves Sunday free for me to go to the party & then Monday to relax and maybe have a BBQ in the backyard. Guess I'll talk to Ralph when he gets home & see what he wants to do.
One of the groups I am in on Flickr has a fun new topic going on. Well, actually 26 of them, one for each letter of the alphabet, and you are supposed to post pictures of animals beginning with each letter. I posted betta, bison, duck, damselfly, egret, goldfish, owl and peacock. Had to force myself to stop so that others had a chance, too. Of course, that doesn't mean I won't go back tomorrow and post camel, hedgehog, heron and koi! OH! And I can download the pictures we took in Arizona of the zebu; and the emu, sheep, and alpaca we photographed in Virginia. I think we might have an ostrich photo somewhere, too, although those are probably somewhere on Ralph's computer so I'll have to sign on to his computer.
Anyway, it's about time to go fix dinner and I still haven't finished surfing all my usual websites. And I'm *supposed* to be vacuuming the living room. . . yeah, like that'll happen :-)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Nothing exciting at all
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Lovely day today!
Afterwards, when Ralph checked his cell phone (which as a Good Citizen he had turned off during the movie) he had a message from the co-worker we were meeting with; they were running a bit late & would be at Outback around 5:30 instead of 5:00. This gave us time to look at the last few minutes of the Green Car Show that was going on at the Pike (which is where the movie theater is and just across the street from where we had dinner). Some of the cars were pretty neat. The coolest-looking of the concept vehicles, IMHO, was the Dodge Zeo. We didn't have our camera, but here's a link to picture (it's even the same color as the one we saw):
Dinner was wonderful. We arrived first, and had some cold, cold lemonade which was marvelous on such a hot day. After a while, when the others still had not arrived, we ordered a Bloomin' Onion. The co-worker and her husband arrived at about 5:45, with his daughter & granddaughter in tow (Joyce, Ray, Monique, and Star). We had to move to a bigger table. Dinner was yummy: prime rib with a crab cake, au grautin potatoes & green beans, followed up with a cinnamon oblivion. In the course of conversation, we were talking about bookstores and Joyce asked me what kind of books I buy. I said, "Lighthearted mysteries, lots of knitting books. . ." and she burst out, "Oh, do you knit? Can you make socks?" so of course I pulled the Brown Socks That Will Never Be Finished out of my bag & showed them. Her mother
Still not able to get a good picture of the new fish. I'll keep trying though. I did get a fairly decent shot of the bat-faced plant. Even with the focus on manual it was hard to get a picture where the flower was in focus rather than the leaves.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ralph's Birthday
We had planned on seeing "Prince Caspian" today, although we're not positive we are going to go. It is very hot outside and comfy-cool inside, plus we're meeting some of Ralph's friends for dinner and the showtime would make us a wee bit late meeting up with them. Actually it's one of his co-workers and her husband; it's his birthday today, too. We're going to Outback Steakhouse, yum!
I want to start spinning some of the fiber I bought in Arizona, but that would mean starting a new bobbin before finishing what I'm working on now. If I do that, I will probably never finish it up. On the other hand, it's not getting finished anyway because I want to spin the *other* fiber. What to do, what to do. . .
Friday, May 16, 2008
Then on the way home, I saw a pair of mallards resting on someone's front lawn. It was only a few blocks from the house, so after I got home I grabbed the camera & walked back. Didn't want to scare them away by getting too close, but I did get a couple of shots. I think this one came out the best.
The bat-faced plant in the front yard is starting to bloom. Getting a picture of one of the flowers was more difficult than photographing the ducks; at least the ducks weren't being blown around in the wind. Also, the flowers are pretty small and the camera kept trying to focus on the leaves instead. This was the best shot I could get. Pretty blurry, I know. I'll try again tomorrow.
Feeling pretty angry at Ralph right now. While he was watering plants & refilling the pond, a large black widow came out from the low wall surrounding the pond. He of course had to kill it, despite my protests (his argument "It's scary!" my argument "It's not hurting anyone, it's outside where it belongs, and it eats mosquitos which spread disease.") I don't know which is making me angrier; the fact that he killed it; the fact that he completely and utterly ignored what I had to say as if it had no importance whatsoever, or the fact that if I had kept my big mouth shut instead of saying, "Oooh, what a cool spider!" he wouldn't have seen it in the first place. I don't like being angry with him, especially at the beginning of what should be (have been?) a nice weekend, what with tomorrow being his birthday and all. Foo.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Survivorless Thursday
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Then, and now
What a difference, don't you think? Her hair is glossy, thicker and longer, and she's much happier now.
Finished frogging the socks down today and have started re-knitting the first one. It took a long time to frog & get the stitches back on the needles, but I'm glad I took the time. I'll be much happier with the completed project with the revised gusset.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
And again I say, the brown socks will NEVER be done
Monday, May 12, 2008
A touching gift
Sunday, May 11, 2008
One of the rovings I bought in Arizona. It's pure merino, colorway "primrose." Ralph doesn't like it, but I think he'll change his mind when he sees it spun up. At least, that's how I felt about it when I saw it in the shop. They had a spun sample and that's what convinced me to buy it.
Another merino roving from Arizona, this one in colorway "thistle." The roving is a little washed out in this picture; there is a bit more purple to it than it seems.
Love this stuff--navy blue kid mohair. Mohair is slicker than wool and thus needs to be spun more tightly than wool or it falls apart when you try to ply it. Ask me how I know this :-) Even though I was trying to avoid dark colors I couldn't resist this stuff. So shiny! A hat & scarf set, I think, or maybe gloves.
Mmmmmmm--love these colors! It's "sunset" by Louett, part of their Northern Lights line. Normally I refuse to spend more than $40 a pound for wool, but this I had to have. Besides, $50 a pound is pretty close to $40, wouldn't you say? I have eight ounces of this beautiful stuff. I'm thinking shawl, aren't you? Something lacey with a leaf-like pattern, very autumny.
I had a "Sally" this morning, which got me to thinking about the words Ralph & I use with each other:
Sally: a headache. From "Nightmare Before Christmas," when Dr. Finkelstein awakes with a frog's breath hangover and calls for Sally.
Brainsucker: computer. Also, to brainsuck: waste time on the computer by surfing the net, playing computer games, posting to Blogger, etc.
Godbox: TV remote. He (or she) that has the remote is the god of the TV and determines what show we watch.
Dishtoad: cloth used for washing dishes, particularly a cloth that has been in the sink too long and has that distinctive dishcloth stink.
My eyes are red: I'm ready (red-eye)
My, you're tall: you are driving like a lunatic, please slow down/stop tailgating/get out of that person's blind spot. From "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," wherein Ford remarks that humans insist on stating the obvious such as "My you're tall" or "So this is it; we're all going to die." Considered to be less accusative than using the latter of the two.
Ooks: dog biscuits; short version of "cookies" (the dogs know what "cookies" are, but haven't caught on to "ooks" yet)
Q: Pee, as in "I think the dogs need to Q." "Pee" is a power word (see below) which the dogs associate with going outside.
Power word: Any word or phrase the dogs understand and/or get excited over, such as "cookies," "truck," "get to go" "yes" and "share the plate."
Anyway. That's what's on my mind this morning. Back to brainsucking. . .
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The war is on. . .
UPDATE: Killed the third one, now there's a FOURTH flying around, taunting me.
A Grand Day Out!
Afterwards we strolled around the botanical gardens. Saw some very interesting plants including cork trees; a western tanager (didn't get a picture of that, darn it!) and some phoebes; and lots of lizards. Here are a few pictures from the day:
First, a plateful of the candied pansies. They were first crystalized in sugar, and then dipped in dark chocolate with a wee bit of strawberry extract. Absolutely delicious!
Now, I thought this one was pretty amazing. It looks like a coral reef, doesn't it? But it's a desert garden! Cacti, succulents, lava rock and sand. I was quite impressed.
This is where you get cork--the bark of the cork oak. The bark can be removed without harming the tree, so it's a renewable resource. And the trees are really cool-looking too.
One of the many lizards running around the botanical garden. They were amazingly fast for such pudgy little guys.
Damselflies at one of the ponds. I had to use the zoom lens, and I'm actually a little surprised at how well it came out.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Fuh fuh fuh FRIDAAAAAAAY!!
I also found a Krispy Kreme shop. I almost stopped & got donuts for the office, but was running a bit late and decided to save that for another day. I'm glad I didn't buy them, because someone else had the same idea and there were already two boxes of donuts in the kitchen! I knew I would be eating out for lunch so I used great willpower and didn't have any of them.
Weird thing happened this morning. I had several dreams last night that involved some sort of accident: a crashing blimp, a man getting buried in a caved-in hole, having a three-car fender bender. No one hurt in any of the dreams, nothing nightmarish about them. Anyway, I stopped to get gas on the way to work and I came *this close* to being in an accident. The gas station was very crowded (not surprising--they were 16 cents a gallon cheaper than the other nearby station) and I had to wait in a bit of a line. The car in front of me finished filling up and started to back up so he could get around the car in front of him. I looked in my rear view, saw nothing but grey skies, and started to back up to give him room. Suddenly there was a honking horn, I hit my brakes and looked around--and realized that those "grey skies" were actually a big SUV exactly the color of the overcast sky parked perpendicular to the rear of my car. Um, the overcast sky wasn't parked, the SUV was. Thank goodness I didn't hit it, and the driver was very understanding when I explained why I hadn't seen her--she even laughed a bit.
WARNING: SURVIVOR SPOILER--IF YOU TIVOED IT, DON'T READ THIS PARAGRAPH. Last night on Survivor, Erik did the stupidest thing possible. He won immunity, and GAVE IT AWAY. Yes. That is what he did. The girls all told him if he "saved" Natalie by giving her the necklace, then they would take it as a sign of "good faith" and vote off Parvati. When he asked why they couldn't vote for Parvati without him giving up immunity, Ceri said that she couldn't trust him, and "saving" Natalie would restore her faith in him. And apparently he bought it, because at Tribal Council he handed the necklace to her. And what really made it stupid was *at no time had anyone suggested voting off Natalie.* Why would he need to "save" her when as far as Erik knew, only Amanda and Parvati were in any danger of being voted off? When Erik went to cast his vote, James (in the jury) leaned over to Ozzy and said, "I just lost my reign as dumbest Survivor ever!"
OMG. There is a MOTH in here. A MOTH in the room with all my yarns and fibers. I've tried swatting it but I keep missing. . . and where there is one, there are bound to be more. . . death to moths!!!
Speaking of fibers, I need to take pictures of the fiber I bought in Arizona. And I need to finish spinning either the ivy green that is on the travel wheel or the emerald green that is on the traditional wheel so I can get started on the new shtuff.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Survivor is almost over!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Long dull day
Monday, May 5, 2008
My goodness--they live to tell the tale.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Most of the fish are recovering!!
Oh, our poor fish!!!
Just a bit on the wedding
First dance for the bride & groom
From left to right: Dad, J, and BM (grandfather of the groom)
Parents of the groom: Big Sis & F
Ralph & me in our matching utilikilts.
Nieces ST (background) and KT being silly. Love the look on KT's face!