Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's a BOY!

My niece, CT, is expecting her first child. She sent out this ultrasound shot of "Little Jimmy." CT is the daughter of my Older Older Brother; three of his kids (or their wives) are expecting. Grandpa-a-Go-Go!
Had insomnia this morning & have been up since just before 4:00 am. Hope I can stay awake during Survivor tonight. We don't have TiVo or a VCR so I pretty much have to stay up to see it. I guess I *could* watch it online tomorrow after work, but that's not the same.
I did take advantage of being awake so early by working a bit more on the socks. I started the pattern portion across the instep but didn't like how it turned out so frogged it again. It's a nice pattern in general--a wrapped rib I guess you would call it--but it's just not right for this particular yarn. Fortunately I already had a "back-up" pattern in mind just in case. I got to work a little early, too, and decided to knit a bit--only to discover I'd left my knitting at home! Arrgh! At least I remembered to bring my book so I had something to read.
I'll leave you with a shot I took of Ralph with Hali in the comfy chair. She's not supposed to be up there, but he coaxed her and then raised the footrest so she was sort of scooped up into his lap. I think she looks darling! And he's pretty cute too :-)

1 comment:

  1. In case you didn't know, Nephew 2 and his wife are also expecting a boy. Don't know about Nephew 1 and his wife...

    I like the "word verification" for this one ... fyyzl.
