Misread a sign this morning. It actually said "loan modification" but I read it as "loan mortification." With the housing/lending market the way it is, perhaps how I read it is more accurate anyway.
The knitting pattern for yesterday & today in my knitting calendar is for felted fortune cookies. They are actually kind of cute, although other than cat toys I can't imagine having any real use for them. One thing I did like is it gives good instructions on knitting a circle using short rows. I have been thinking for a while of attempting to make a pattern of Pig from "Pearls Before Swine," and this would be an excellent base for it I think.
Speaking of knitting, I was thinking about that very topic today while I was spinning at lunch time. It occurred to me that if you ask someone what they are making, they will answer along the lines of "a hat" or "socks" or "a sweater." The exception is if they are knitting a scarf, which invariably will get you the answer "just a scarf" as if such a project were shameful or insignificant. Why is this? Why is it "just" a scarf? Odd.
Going to be putting up the haunted house this Saturday. Don't know if anyone is planning to come help set it up. I hope so--it's a lot of work for just the two of us--but I feel funny asking people to come over and work, even if we offer to take them out to eat at say, oh I dunno, maybe George's. . . . .
I'll be helping Duh with her move; forwarded the request to The Boy.