Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's less scary now

RB altered the clown picture at work. Much less scary now. The "honoree" is Mr. Boss Man's Boss. And yes, I got his permission to post this :-)

We've been working on new tombstones for the haunted house. We've found some good sayings online, but most of them are too long for our crummy brushes & cheap paint. Still, there are short ones out there and we've used a couple of them. My favorite so far is "Once I was. Then I wasn't. Now, I ain't again." They are kinda dull colored in normal light, but wow do they pop under the blacklight! One of the ones that Ralph did ("Open Grave--This Space For Rent") looks almost 3D.

Well, gotta keep this short as I am supposed to be getting ready for work.

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