Thursday, October 23, 2008


fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

Posting a pic from "" since I failed to bring my camera to work, and thus failed to get a picture of all the lovely smoke on the mountains. Didn't see any actual flames, although I did see a firefighting helicopter.

Very cranky tonight; good thing Survivor is on in just over 30 minutes. Hopefully that will cheer me up a bit. Just lots of idiots on the road, then I was driving almost an hour longer than I anticipated because Ralph asked me to pick him up at work. Of course, he called just a few minutes after I got on the 105; if he'd called a few minutes earlier I would have stayed on the 605 to the 405 and saved 10 miles & 20 minutes of driving.

I really want to knit tonight, but there isn't much time before Survivor & with the pattern I'm doing I don't dare try to knit during the show. As I think I mentioned in a prior post, I've picked out the cast-off on my Monterey shawl (oh, I should post a picture of that again to refresh the memories of the Teeming Millions) and am extending it by as many repeats as I can before I run out of yarn. It's not a particularly difficult pattern, but it does have increases & decreases on every row so if you mess up, there isn't any obvious all-knit or all-purl row to frog down to.

Oh well. That's going to be it for tonight I think. Sorry it wasn't more interesting.

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