Have the turkey in the oven & it should be done in another 90 minutes or so. Smells really good. We've also got yummy rolls & dip that I bought off the breadman at work; corn; cranberry sauce; smashed taters & gravy; stuffing of course; and pumpkin pie with Cool-Whip for dessert. What I would like would be for a couple people to come & eat with us, then immediately leave so we don't have to do any entertaining before or after. Sounds terrible, I know--but with the prospect of roommates in a couple weeks I am treasuring the "alone-time" with Ralph while I still have it. The only person I can think of who would not be offended by an "eat & run" invitation is Sis, and I don't know if she'd want to drive all the way out here for a repeat of yesterday's dinner (although *I* do not intend to put egg nog in the potatoes; see Sis's blog for details on that). Besides, if I invite her I would have to invite Dad & J too, and I'm not up to having that many people over. Plus Dad & J would, I think, be insulted by "you've eaten, please go home now." :-)
I started a new knitting project yesterday, a bear for Onyx. It's knitting up pretty quickly. I've finished the body (including the seaming & stuffing), one leg, and I've knit the ears although they still need to be seamed. With any luck I should be able to finish it this weekend.
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