Friday, December 19, 2008

Food day.

My goodness, today was totally a food-oriented day. First off was the work breakfast. I had a piece of toast with two strips of bacon, with the toast folded over to make a sandwich, then a second piece of toast with sausage & eggs with hot sauce, also sandwich style. I was pretty full by then, but wanted something sweet after the hot sauce so went over to DW's office. I know she always has chocolates on her desk, and I thought one little piece would do the trick. Well, she was an evil, evil girl and offered my a homemade peppermint brownie. Soooooo good. . . .

Ate lunch around 11:45; I wanted to have some nutritious food on board before the dessert potluck so I wouldn't go overboard on all the sweets. Had some leftover grilled chicken & sweet potato from dinner the other night. Then at 2:00 was the potluck. There was a lot more than just sweets, although there were plenty of those too. I had a bit of nachos, some of my chocolate cherry cobbler, some bbq beef that was so good I was tempted to steal the crock-pot, and I think that was it. There were many other things: brownies, cookies, pizza, seven-layer-dip with tortilla chips, cheesecake, pie, mini-muffins, cake, just all kinds of stuff. And with the exception of the sliced apples, none of it was good for you.

After that there was a song parody contest. Only three songs were entered, two of them by the same department. This was followed by a holiday gift grab bag, the kind where you can steal someone else's gift. I didn't participate in this as I never cared for that type of exchange. However, DW's gift was a chili making kit complete with cornbread mix, and her husband can't eat that kind of stuff due to dietary restrictions so she said I could have it which I thought was very nice of her. I'm going to treat her for lunch whether she likes it or not :-)

Came home to find that BH (one of our Roomies) had done some housecleaning for us: mopped the kitchen, swept & vacuumed the living room, and wiped down the bathroom counters. She has also been brushing the dogs every day. I feel very spoiled!! I did, of course, tell her that I appreciated it.

Need to do some Christmas shopping this weekend. I've got some gifts knitted, but not enough for everyone plus of course not everyone wants a knitted gift. I find that hard to comprehend but accept that it is true.

Oh--and I finished the pterodactyl this morning :-)

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