Hooray! We have our dogs back!!! We spent about an hour this morning canvassing the backyard, looking for possible escape routes and closing them off, as well as clearing out some of the clutter from the patio. The inspector took a brief look at the yard, asked us what remediation we had done, and that was it. It took longer for us to get the dogs than it did for the yard to be inspected.
The girls were soooooo excited to see us! At first they were mopey, then when they saw us you could see the light dawning on their little faces as they realized MOMMY AND DADDY ARE HERE AT LAST!!!!!!! They barked their fool heads off, wagging tails and jumping on the bars. And of course we were just as happy to see them. They were pretty stinky, which is to be expected after being in a small kennel for almost four days, so much to their dismay they got baths when we got home. They are now clean & napping :-)
You may have noticed that there is no photo of the wisteria blossom as mentioned in yesterday's post. The reason for this is that someone knocked almost the entire cluster right off the vine; I found it lying in the dirt this morning. So out of a thick cluster of maybe 30 or 40 buds, we only have four little flowers still on the plant. Since this was the first time this plant has bloomed in the five years we've had it, you can imagine how disappointed I am that the cluster was knocked off before the buds even had a chance to open. I can only hope that it will have more flowers as spring progresses.
Yay! Your babies are home! I have been having trouble with my Big Kitty roaming, so I found this product that I am going to buy. Take a looksee and see if it may help you. :-)