Just a quick post as I should be getting ready for work. Finished two more pattern repeats (one per sock) on the Chaos Theory socks yesterday, and another half-repeat this morning. I was pleased to discover that I *almost* have the pattern memorized; I can get all the way through row 13 before I need to look at the chart. At this rate I should have them finished tomorrow and can cast on a new project for the Saturday knitting group. I'm thinking of making a second pair of these, using the blue yarn leftover from the pterodactyl I made for QL.
Our sick fish died yesterday. This was both sad and a relief; I'm sorry she died of course, however she was definitely not getting any better despite the medications and she looked terrible. Poor little thing.
Roomie G has been ill, too. Finally went to the ER Tuesday night & is now on antibiotics. Hope he feels better soon.
Sis is pretty excited. The "Mr. Piggy" she knit has been chosen to be the representing photo for the pattern on Ravelry. How cool is that?
And last, but not least, only one week until "Survivor" comes back on. Guess I better get to the CBS website & pick "my" player.
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