Had an absolutely lovely day today. Archery in the morning, of course, and while Ralph didn't shoot for long it was enough time for me to finish knitting his birthday socks. Although his birthday isn't until tomorrow, I gave him the socks right then & there. I was pleased that he immediately took off his shoes & put the new socks on. Thank goodness they fit! I'm always nervous making things for him as a surprise, since I can't have him try them on while they are still WIPs.
Afterwards we went to the El Dorado Nature Center, just for a short stroll. We took the 1/4 mile path, which is about 10 minutes of leisurely walking & looking at things. Lots of pretty flowers (including the white one in today's photo) and of course the usual array of turtles in the lake. Mostly red-eared sliders, but we were pleasantly surprised to see a soft-shell, which is a truly aquatic turtle.
Next we did a little shopping, intending to have a BBQ for lunch, but were too hungry to wait so we had burgers at In-n-Out instead. Back home for a nap (Ralph) and knitting (me). Got started on the Sock It to Cancer! sock that I promised to knit for a co-worker. We did eventually have the cook-out: grilled carne asada which we put in warm tortillas with salsa, cheese, sour cream, fresh tomatoes & avocado; corn on the cob started in the microwave and finished on the grill; and leftover blackberry pie for dessert. Needless to say I am still stuffed. We watched "Ghostbusters II" while we ate; first time I've seen it since it was in the theaters so it was really like watching a new movie, at least to me.
Looking forward to Ralph's birthday tomorrow. He will be away for most of the day which will allow me to . . . well, I won't say in case he reads this tonight ;-)