MH's knitting is coming along really well. I've got her working on her first "real" project, one of those bunnies made by folding & sewing a knitted square. She promised it would be done when I get back to work on Tuesday. Although, I did remember last night that I didn't show her how to whipstitch. Oh, well, she's a smart lady & I'm sure she can figure out simple sewing like that. Which reminds me, normally we knit at one of the round tables in the break room, and MR made a comment about our "knitting circle." Later I told him he had it wrong--we were the "Knits of the Round Table."
Monday is Ralph's birthday. I've got to find time to wrap his prezzinks, and figure out a nice birthday dinner for him. I'm taking the day off from work (as is he) so it doesn't have to be something that cooks in 45 minutes or less as I normally aim for on a work night. I also need to find time to finish knitting his birthday socks. I've turned the heel on one & am working on the other. I *might* get them done on time, if I can tear myself away from computer & books.
Speaking of books, I'm reading a pretty good one right now. It's called "Street Gang." It's the history of Sesame Street, and includes a lot of background on the people behind it. It's amazing how long it took for the show to go from first thoughts to actually being on the air, and how many people & shows influenced it (both on what to do and what not to do). I mean, it's Sesame Street, what could be more obvious? But there was resistance and struggles--for example, when they finally went on the air, Mississippi banned the show on the grounds that people weren't ready to see black children & white children playing together. Really interesting. It's also an appropriate read, since tomorrow will be the 20th anniversary of Jim Henson's death.
And speaking of tomorrow, it's also the 12th anniversary of Ralph's & my first date. Amazing that we've been together this long, and we still aren't sick of each other, LOL.
Well, Ralph wants to take Hali for a walk, so I guess I'd better get off the computer & get ready to go with them.
I would very much like to see your outfits!