The last couple days have been pretty nice. Yesterday we went to the archery range. There were no classes because of the holiday weekend; we did get there early though so no trouble finding an available butt. Afterward we were going to attend the craft fair at the nature center. Well, we should watch the news more often I guess; apparently a murderer stashed some body parts there and the whole area was closed for the police investigation. No lie. On the drive home we had a call from our friends PH2 & MH2, and we ended up meeting with them to go see Shrek 3 (a bit of a splurge for us since we don't really need to be spending money right now) and afterward we had a nice BBQ at the house. PH2 cooked up a gorgeous London broil, I had a fresh nectarine cobbler prepped for dessert, and for the side dish I heated up some of Trader Joe's amazing fire roasted vegetables with balsamic vinegar. A good time was had by all.
Shrek 3 was better than I expected it to be; sequels, IMHO, rarely live up to the first movie & this one just didn't catch my eye. Plus, the basic storyline has been done many times before. I am pleased to report that this movie is worth going to see. I was also pleased by the behavior of the children in the theater. While I object highly to little kids at PG-13 or higher rated movies, I expect them to be present at a family film such as this, and I expect some of them to be boisterous. They *are* kids after all. However, only one child made any noise (other than appropriate laughter, etc. as the film warranted) and even that wasn't bad. He was obviously frightened by one scene & cried, and the mother was able to soothe him pretty quickly. If I had been able to pinpoint where they were sitting, I'd have both thanked & congratulated her after the show.
We're supposed to be going to a potluck today. I made a double-size nectarine cobbler to take (that's today's photo); hope people like it. Well, I'm not too worried about that actually. The one I made for just Ralph & me is nearly gone, and the fresh one I made yesterday for dinner with our friends was pretty much devoured as well. And if they don't like it, I'll freeze the leftovers for us to enjoy when summer is over and the tree is no longer producing fruit. Right now the ground is covered with dropped nectarines, I've picked enough to have 10 cups of sliced fruit [all but 2 cups have been made into cobbler; the balance is in the freezer], and there is so much fruit still on the tree that I don't see how we can use it all. I'll have to just freeze them as they ripen so they don't go to waste.
I also made a batch of fresh lemonade today. I love having a lemon tree in the yard :-)