I've noticed that I really haven't been blogging much lately. It's not that my life is any less exciting, or any more (or less) busy than it used to be. I think it's just part of me not being on the computer as much as I used to. I've been spending more time knitting, spinning, reading, and yes even riding the ol' exercise bike (which I'm skipping out on tonight, so there).
MG & LL have started putting up Halloween decorations at work. I'm still getting used to the fact that we can do that; in the old Irvine office, Halloween decorations were forbidden after the company had a decorating contest, and someone complained that the decorations were Satanic & creating a hostile work environment (she was given 2 weeks leave until after Halloween). They've got a huge spiderweb draped over their cubicles & across the hallway. I'm one of about 4 people in the office who can walk under them without having to duck--and no one seems to mind it. They either duck or use the other hallway. Amazing. MG & LL have also put up a couple tombstones & rats, and a skull with a wig & glasses that to my eye make it look like Andy Warhol.
Speaking of Halloween, Ralph still hasn't decided if he wants to do anything at the house this year. He really got burned out with last year's over-the-top building. I suggested today that we maybe do a small ghost town, putting cowboy hats on the skeletons & having Western-themed tombstones such as "Here lies the rustler/Old Black Bart/Shot by the Sheriff/Through his black heart," and get the fogger going. He seemed to like the idea. Wonder if we could get some tumbleweeds from somewhere? Hmm, and maybe a noose hanging from the tree by the deck.
Survivor is on tonight. I didn't enjoy last week's episode, as it had way too much arguing and drama for my liking. I think when The Powers that Be decided to include Evil Russell, they forgot that a villain has to have some redeeming characteristics or who wants to watch? At least Johnny Fairplay was entertaining with his scheming. Evil R is just plain malicious. If this week isn't any better, there's a good chance I'll stop watching.
Oh, and if you can't tell, today's photo is of a stick-insect in a terrarium. I took that photo at the LA County Fair last month. It was really hard to get a good shot.
I saw someone on Etsy selling real tumbleweeds once. It was really neat. Maybe you could make your own with string, glue and baloons?