We've had a good start to our 3-day weekend. After a lovely breakfast at home (cheese, bacon & eggs on English muffins, seasoned with garlic salt & black pepper) we took the GGs to Dog Beach. This was the first time Sadie had ever been so we weren't sure how well she would behave in an unfenced area with lots of other dogs around. No need to worry; she stuck pretty close to us, and when she did run off to play she always returned when we called her. We walked from one end of the dog area to the other (Ralph marked the spot where we left our shoes on his GPS--he's such a geek, I just gotta love him!) and Zoe did a lot of chasing other dogs. When we were ready to leave, Ralph realized he'd lost his glasses. We searched up & down the beach but with the tide coming in we knew it was pointless. We got to the far edge of the dog area and Ralph said, "Maybe they fell out of my pocket when I knelt to take the dogs off the leashes. We were around here somewhere. . . " Mostly so we could honestly say we'd looked everywhere, we began to search--and we found them! Unbelievable.
After dropping the dogs off at the house & having a quick rinse to get the sand off, we headed to Halloween Club looking for party decorations. Not a lot of luck there; we got a couple things but they didn't have much in the way of pirate stuff. We hit pay dirt at Party City, though; plates, napkins, decorations, and a couple costume tidbits. There was even a beach "scene setter" that wraps along the wall, however we decided not to get that since it would mean removing furniture so there was someplace to put it.
From there we went to the pet store. Ralph picked out some plants & fish. I picked out a betta and then left him to it while I went over to the bookstore. Got three new paperbacks, woo hoo!
When we got home, Ralph puttered with the aquarium and I rode the exercise bike for half an hour. Yes, a full half hour on the bike! Me, of all people. Then we both read until Ralph decided he *must* have pie. Off to Polly's we went, starting off with a cup of soup for me & a cup of chili for him. I had boysenberry pie with so-called "iced cream" (no, that's not a disparaging remark about the quality of the ice cream; it's a Simpsons reference) and Ralph, being full from the chili, ordered his pie (custard) to go. A whole pie, at that.
Today--well, not sure what's on the plate for today. What we should do and what I want to do are two different things entirely. What we should do is housework, grocery shopping, and bathing the dogs. What I want to do is go to the LA County Fair for a few hours, then come home & read and/or spin and/or knit. Which will win--maturity or fun? Oh--I also need to get some vinegar & see if I can get the dye to stop bleeding in a couple skeins, and I promised Lizard I'd repair the Eeyore I knit for her a few years back. He's got a hole in one "armpit."
The night before last I had three dreams--three totally separate, woke up in between them dreams--in which I traveled back in time to attend the Sock Summit. I really wanted to go to that, and I guess I'm still regretting that I was unable to do so.
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