So we've had a little bit of thunder to go with our rain this morning. I now have one dog lying partly under the computer table, one dog standing next to me with her head in my lap, the third dog lying on the other side of me, and a cat stalking around, growling & yowling & upsetting the dogs more than the thunder did. I am almost completely surrounded by unhappy canines & I don't think I could squeeze past them to get out of this chair if I tried.
Signed up with another temp agency yesterday. They've got a position or two in mind to set up interviews for me, so we'll see how that goes. I'm liking the part-time work right now, but a full-time paycheck can't be sneezed at.
Speaking of sneezing, I forgot to mention something that I at least found funny. When Ralph & I were at the swap meet a couple weeks ago, a woman there sneezed. She very courteously turned her head away from the crowd and sneezed down towards the ground--directly onto her child's head. Yeah, I know, I've got a warped sense of humor.
The winners have been announced for the scavenger hunt! After seeing everyone else's postings I didn't think I was going to get anything, so imagine my surprise when my cop photo took runner-up for most humorous! Of course, I promised the officer I wouldn't post the photo anywhere except on the scavenger hunt thread so you get a picture of my critter at the vet's office instead. The prize was a free pattern from a designer named Luchita, and I chose a cute little lion handpuppet. I'm thinking of making three in different colors to give to QL, OL, and SL. I think QL is still young enough to enjoy a handpuppet. With my current queue I doubt they'll be done in time for Christmas but there's no reason why I can't send them out sometime in February as a "just because" gift.
Did I mention that Dad had some minor surgery last week? The battery was dead on his pacemaker/defibrillator & the unit had to be replaced. We had a heck of a time finding the place; he was first instructed to go to the cardiac specialty office, and they told him no you need to go to the main hospital on the next block. I dropped him off there & parked. When I came back he said they'd told him to go out & to the right to the outpatient surgery. Nothing there. We went back & asked some cops that were by the ambulance area and apparently Dad was supposed to go *left* out the door. The cops pointed the way & said to go in the second door. Got in there--Dad was quite out of breath at this point--started to sign in, and the nurse said, "I can't find your appointment; is this for cardio?" When we said yes she said, "Oh, you need the next lobby over. Go through those doors & take the elevator to the third floor." (This meant the cops should have told us to go in the first door, not the second.) We do that & the nurse up there asked if we'd gone in the main hospital doors (opposite side of the building) and checked in there first. After giving her looks of shocked dismay, we told her how much of a runaround we'd already been through (and by this time we were 30 minutes late for his appointment). Luckily she took pity on us, had Dad sit in the waiting room, and sent someone to go get all his paperwork from the front. Anyway, long story short (too late!) from that point all went smoothly & he is back home, tired but doing OK.
We've started putting up the haunted house for Halloween. We're not doing anything really big this year; just a single room that the kids will walk past rather than through. We're going with a Halloween kitchen/dining room theme this year & will have things like Jell-o brains, rats, a plateful of octopi (see, I *knew* there was a reason for me to have made so many of those!), and MH2 said she might bring a kitty litter cake (decorative AND edible). No gory dismembered body parts, although we do have some eyeballs that we'll be using. They're more comic than gory, having been part of some spooky straws that Taco Bell gave out in a promotion about 15 years ago.
Well, that's about it for now. Hopefully something interesting will happen soon & I'll have a better post :-)