Wednesday already. It's been hard keeping track of the day since I lost my job (has it really been only two weeks? Has it really been two weeks already??) so yesterday I pulled out the day-to-day calendar I used to have on my desk. It's just a little thing, however I think it's important to keep on a work-type schedule so it's not such a shock when I do go back to work. It's a lot easier to do that if I know what day it is, LOL! I still get up between 5:00 & 5:30, still pack a lunch for Ralph, and still make a point to be showered & dressed by 6:30.
Today I baked some dog snacks. (Yeah, it's pretty sad when baking dog treats is the highlight of the morning.) I mashed up some leftover cooked potatoes and carrots, added some chicken that I knew we weren't going to eat, mixed it all together with flour, an egg, a bit of oil, and the last couple swallows of milk that I didn't finish at breakfast; then I rolled the dough up in little balls, smashed 'em flat, and baked them at 400 for about 20 minutes. The dogs love them and it's a money-saver, too; cheaper than buying dog treats, plus the leftovers didn't go to waste.
In other news, the person for whom I voted for City Council yesterday actually won. I think this makes the third time in my life as a Responsible Citizen that the person for whom I voted made it into office. I'm either doing something right or something wrong, I can't decide which. According to a news article I read, about 25% of voters registered in my town showed up at the polls. I realize it wasn't a Major Election, but that still seems like a poor turnout to me.
Oh, almost forgot! The flower in my last post is. . . a carrot! I'd never seen one in bloom before. I wonder if it will have seeds that I can plant next year?
Speaking of plants, I think we've gotten the last nectarines off the tree. There are still a few on there, however they are pretty much evenly divided between so ripe that they are rotting on the branch; hard as rocks; and perfectly ripe but full of fruit flies, ants, and/or bird bites. Still, we've used up 12 cups of sliced nectarines to make cobblers, plus have 6 cups in the freezer. That's much better than last year, where we got maybe four nectarines before the birds cleaned the tree.
We don't really have a garden this year. We planted one tomato plant which has small green tomatoes & some blossoms on it; one zucchini which is just starting to flower; and a basil plant. If nothing else, we'll have some nice pasta sauce come summertime.
I actually knit a few rows on my Fred & George intarsia square. I really need to get that finished. The fact that the cat barfed on it does NOT increase my motivation to work on it. Dumb cat. I also finished all the pieces for the pony & just need to sew it up & stuff it. I couldn't get the leg to not gap (see previous post) so I am using duplicate stitch to close up the holes.
Well, nothing else really going on today. Hopefully the weekend will be interesting enough to write about :-)
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