The second octopus is finished. I left out the pipe cleaners on this one, and I think he's pretty darn cute. Gonna be hard to part with him come Christmastime.
Working on a jackalope now. I don't have quite enough of the light grey yarn, so I'm giving him dark grey points. Hopefully that will suffice to keep from running out of the lighter color before he's finished. So far I have knit the butt, back, neck & head. Next I need to pick up stitches for the hind legs. This project is probably the largest one in the book, at least 8 or 10" long. Certainly not what I would call amigurumi, but what the heck.
Been seeing a car on the freeway every day this week. The license plate is YARN 1. I can't help but wonder: knitter? Crocheter? Yarn store owner? Weaver? Rug hooker? I got a good look at the driver today but didn't recognize him at all.
The tomato plant is producing like crazy. I'm glad we only have one; we'd never keep up with the crop if there were more of them.
Absolutely love the octopus! You may have to keep him ...